Dear Diary; I am where I am

A new coffee shop has opened boasting delicious cakes and pastries, ginger shots lime and turmeric too – and of course amazing coffee – an artist for a barista drawing beautiful scenes on the top of our magical brews

It is situated right on the corner between my home and Anadi home and so we met to sit for half an hour in the midst of our working day – and chat and drink more coffee…

I had a blueberry and banana muffin to go with my brew – I’d brought along two big pashmina scarfs to keep us warm – and there we were…

The hum of the traffic our constant coffee shop background music was broken by the sudden shrill sound of an ambulance in a rush; a police car in front, navigated its way through the traffic and a red light – slowing the traffic for the ambulance to tear on through… 

‘I am a city girl now – in this now, that’s what I am’… I realised in that instant on a bench wrapped up, drinking coffee with my best friend, boyfriend, husband….

I had always thought I was a sea dweller… But it seems that the sound of traffic will do just as well as the sound of the crashing waves.

I am where I am. And it’s okay…

This phrase is a useful one always to remember to say wherever we are and whatever is going on in our world – if we are in the middle of a divorce or a redundancy or grieving over a loved one, or in the midst of a changed pandemic world…

To be able to stop and breathe in, and say those words, can help to process it all and allow us to come back to the very centre of our being where all is eternal 

Where the is no beginning and no end

No death, only life eternal 

And to be where we are

Here and Now.

I am where I am