Embracing our differences…

We feel safe when we are validated, understood, seen and heard….

So why would we not give this gift to another?

When we truly listen to the person in front of us…

When we cross the bridge into their world, and see things from their position…

When we really step into their shoes, rather than projecting from our side of the bridge and in our shoes…

When we do this, we will experience true connection, because we are not putting anything of ourselves onto the other, neither are we hoping or wanting them to be, what they may not be…

When we free ourselves from any expectation or desire that the other be as we want them to be, and instead meet the other as they are – a harmony and a healing happens in the space between us and them…

And the potential for inner growth and transformation occurs…

When we are heard and there is no judgement, it follows that we learn to love and accept ourselves a little bit more; and we can drop any pretences or masks that we might use to face the world – with that feelings of unworthiness vanish.

So why would we not practice giving this type of love to all who we meet

Our world expands with each different encounter and conversation we have; and when we meet everyone in the spirit of namaste,

‘I honour the spirit in you that is the spirit in me’

Then there is no limit to what we might discover, or who we can connect with, as the connection is recognised from the outset…

When we live this way, with an open heart, and our inner light burning bright, we open the door to world peace; to healing globally, interaction by interaction…

When we are a light unto our self, then we honour the light in each and every person.