Dear Diary; Flying Free


Anadi pointed to a tree, rising magnificently, tall… Beside it, a smaller magnolia – flowers unfurling gloriously; trees with blossom, white and pink…  Green verdant grass, lush with spring promise stretching before us.

‘Look! – The green parrots are here too’.

We’d seen them in Richmond Park, and in Hyde Park; exotic creatures, bringing colour and fairytale magic to the land… But never before in Battersea Park…

And there they were, two green parrots. 

One flew upwards, and landed on a springy twiggy skinny branch…

‘Oooh, I’m not sure I’d trust that twig’ I said.

‘He’s got wings’ – Anadi replied. ‘He can fly’.

He’s free.

It reminded me of one of the favourite parts in the book ‘Jonathan Livingston Seagull’

JSL is a tale about a Gull that is learning about life through flight… He’s learning how to perfect his flying skills, to evolve spiritually.

He’s learning about freedom.

There is a part where Jonathan is teaching another gull – Fletch Gull –  to fly…

Fletch says…

 ‘Are you saying I can fly’?… And Jonathan replies…  ‘I am saying you are free’.

We are all free, Our birthright is freedom…

Even when we land on a skinny branch that we fear won’t take our weight, and we don’t believe we have the wings to soar upwards if it breaks…

We do.

We do have wings that can take us upwards – always – that give us flight – even when the branch does break beneath our weight and all seems lost.

Within us we do have the inner resources.

The life journey can often seem far too hard….

But –  when things are the most hard, can be the time when we discover that we have inner strength we didn’t know was there, latent talents – and that we have the ability to develop new skills…

And so in this time, when the branch has broken beneath us – we discover how to unfurl our wings…. 

Which were there. all the time – waiting to open – to stretch wide and take us upwards…

We learn how to fly.

And discover that we are free.