The Flow of Life

I love being able to walk to Covent Garden…

On a Saturday afternoon, for a little outing!

Past Harrods we marched, the streets heaving with Chritsmassy people.

And alive with fun

Hats and scarves and big winter coats

I love winter too

The changing seasons each with their magical energy, bringing us different gifts

The wintery cold, bright light and clear today, the sun low in the sky, darkness falling while we had stopped to drink coffee while still out and about… We tumbled out of the cafe into streets lit with sparkly Christmas light…

I remember winter times when I lived in the country – navigating many of my runs by moonlight – when the skies were clear – crunching on frosty grass and circling frozen lakes in the mornings…

Or running along the promenade when I lived by the sea, wind howling and sleety rain driving into me – stinging my eyes…

I recall how one such day, unbidden from within me, came a celebratory energy with a thought following immediately on its tail – ‘I love winter!’

For six years I travelled as a nomad and missed the English winter, mainly staying on sunny shores!

Only occasionally dipping back for a spell ( a few days, not even weeks) to UK terrafirma for a taste of wintery wonderland…

Winter has only just begun, we are a few days in… Autumn was spectacular as she always is, colours tawny orange green and brown, leaves dying gloriously and gracefully under blue grey skies.

After a watery summer, that still delighted in her warmth and flashes of heat and long evenings stretching their way towards bedtime…

Each season to be treasured, lived in, experienced as part of us.

The Shamans recognise that the weather and the seasons and all of nature is a reflection of us all; part of the tapestry, the flow of life.

That is all happening now – the circle of life without beginning or end

Birth death re birth

We are the whole of the tapestry in all of its vibrancy and ever changing stories, character, colours…

And I love being able to walk to Covent Garden from where I live

As we journey through winter to spring with all her vibrant budding new life…

Before I loved being able to walk to a beach

And so it is

Where I am a reflection of where I am – right now…