Dear Diary; The Cycles of Life

The cycles of life – round and round they go…Children playing, exploring investigating.

Being instructed to ‘stop that right now’…

Reprimanded – controlled, told off… But the child does it anyway… ‘You bad boy’!

‘Give me a child until he is seven – and I will show you the man’.


The man wakes up – and investigates the patterns from his childhood – and clears the hurts; the stuck energy…

And then life opens to ‘three thousand possibilities’ in every moment.

Then we are never bored; by the cycles that we are stuck within…

We are never bored by life… The inner reflected outside; never the circumstances always our inner landscape creating our reality….

‘Look…. There’s someone in the river’, I said…

Anadi and I leaned over Battersea bridge watching a man leisurely swimming about below us.

We had enjoyed a late sunny Sunday afternoon walk along the South bank, still bathed in its warmth, and were now making our way back…

A police van drew up beside us, one of the police offers leapt out and shouted to the man…‘Yes, yes – I’m coming in’, he responded.

We watched him navigate his way – against the current now; his bare bottom revealed by flashes of light glinting on the water…Three police officers now, awaited him on the steps… Two more soon joined and a conversation full of gesticulations from all parties ensued…

Our theatre in the moment unfolding.

Quite soon the party broke up… And with some shorts on now – he sauntered off.

I turned to Anadi  – ‘I want to Congratulate him’

We ran after him…‘Well done’ – I said, he turned and smiled; tall, piercing blue eyes, late forties perhaps…

‘Why thank you’ he replied – an educated voice – you might guess him to be a lawyer, a professional man…

‘The police didn’t think so’….‘Well at least you weren’t arrested’ – Anadi laughed… ‘It was a close thing’, he said, ‘I gave as good as I got’

‘Is it illegal to swim in the Thames’? I asked.

‘Yes’ – he replied‘…You could have said you didn’t know’…

‘That not a defence in law’ – he smiled at me… We talked a bit more about swimming; riptides and watery adventures! 

And then as way of explanation for his swimming fun – he said

‘I’m so bored… of all this….’

And so… maybe as he has always done?

He created his fun, in the sun.

He took the ‘naughty path’…