Dear Diary, Being Shaken Up…

Being shaken up is a good thing, it can free us from something… Kicking up the dust so that we can wipe the slate – clean the mirror…

Being in a body on planet earth lends us to try and keep everything the same, known, safe, secure… But a reminder that this isn’t so, however uncomfortable, is at the deepest level an opportunity for greater freedom…

This is a cryptic way to say that I tripped over – (again!) – while I was running this morning, in the park…

I was winding my way between runners and walkers; dogs and bikes; babies in prams – and I didn’t see the tree roots that had pushed the concrete up out of the ground…

I flew through the air, and landed face down; ripping my new gloves – my hands were glad of their protection! The hard ground, cut both my knees, blood seeping immediately through my leggings…

In the moments before landing I experienced pure emptiness – total meditation – on the move! 

I rolled over immediately and sat up – a few people rushed over…‘I’m good’, I said, ‘thank you thank you…’

They left me be.

The man whose feet I had fallen at checked I was really okay… ‘You want to get up’?

‘No, I’ll stay here a bit…Thank you’… He ran on…

The activity continued all around me…Suddenly I felt tearful, my body shocked… Sitting on the ground on a sunny bright day of winter beauty… Shaken up, something clearing out, any attachment to certainty!

A lady came over, she was kind and re assuring… ‘Silly roots’ she said; ‘Silly me’, I replied. 

She helped me up and offered me a lift home…‘No no, Thank you – I’m good’, I said – ‘I don’t live far away, I’ll walk – I’m just a bit shaken up…’

Something being shaken out!

Setting me free

What’s your name I asked as we were parting – ‘Katherine’ she replied.

I wandered along, enjoying the sparkly day… I liked walking along, the river all shiny, reflective – reflecting. I was only about a mile from home…


The wisdom of uncertainty… Nothing safe and secure. The only safety to become safe within, centred… Silent…

And trust in Totality, moment to moment.

If we shake out any rigidity and attachment to things being a certain way; then we are truly free to live every moment.

